Thursday, January 17, 2008


I'm on the subway going to work a few days ago and I look at the NY Times Health headlines on my phone (cause I'm so tech savvy) and there's one that reads...

"F.D.A. Says Food From Cloned Animals Is Safe".

My jaw drops and I immediately pick it up and rub Purell all over it 'cause the subways are filthy...anyway - I'm in total disbelief. I guess in the back of my mind I saw it coming. I mean Dolly, the first clone, was a sign of things to come, but I wouldn't think they'd turn around and feed her to us.

If you get a chance read the article (New York Times article) and tell me your thoughts on it. In the meantime I'm trying to figure out the best way to go vegetarian before they start putting this stuff out on the shelves because as I understand it...they may not have to label it as coming from a cloned animal...WHAT?! This can't be true. Right?

They label things "organic" so why not "cloned". If that is in fact true I'll be making the switch to organic or become a stinking vegetarian! Which means I'd either be skinny and broke since organic prices will go higher than they already are or I'll be skinny, hungry and broke with the vegetarian option. I know, I know its irrational to think that way and no offense...its the anger inside me. I'm not discriminating against vegetarians. I have a lot of friends who live that way, lol. I just love meat and to take that away...well, violence has to stem from somewhere.

ciao - KF


Unknown said...

Like you I was in disbelief when I heard news of this. I can't believe what this world is coming to. Price we have to pay when people want to play God. I might join you the on the journey to the vegetarian promise land.

GoldenSoul said...

Hows the Veggie diet comin along?